
Civ 6 corps army
Civ 6 corps army

civ 6 corps army civ 6 corps army civ 6 corps army

00:00A strong military is crucial in Sid Meier’s Civilization VI.Ġ0:04Learn how to keep your forces ready for anything the world throws at you.Ġ0:08Land Units comprise the majority of your Army.Ġ0:11There are melee units like the warrior, ranged units like the crossbowman, and Light and Heavy Cavalry like the Horseman and the Knight.Ġ0:19There are also more specialized units, like the Recon, Siege, and Anti-Cavalry units.Ġ0:25Most units take and receive damage during combat.Ġ0:28Ranged units like Slingers cause damage at a distance so they aren’t damaged on their turn, but they are weak to melee attacks and don’t restrict enemy movement.Ġ0:38Siege units like Catapults aren’t very good at combat but excel in defeating cites.Ġ0:48A well rounded military will also have Naval units, which can be melee, ranged, or raider units, and eventually an Air Force with Fighters and Bombers.Ġ1:00Support units like Medics and Observation Balloons enhance your military units.Ġ1:05Attaching a combat unit to these units also provides them with defense from capture.Ġ1:10Great Generals and Admirals can also be attached to combat units for passive damage and movement bonuses.Ġ1:17A unit gains experience points for engaging in combat.Ġ1:20Experience points are used to promote the unit, which allows you to pick a new ability for it.Ġ1:25Promotion also heals the unit, but promoting a unit uses all its movement points that turn.Ġ1:30As you discover new technologies, you’ll be able to upgrade the unit to a new type, such as upgrading a basic warrior into a more powerful swordsman.Ġ1:38This costs gold and also uses all movement points for that unit for that turn.Ġ1:43Units have maintenance costs in gold.Ġ1:46You can find how much each unit costs to maintain in the Civilopedia.Ġ1:49Make sure you have a strong economy if you want a large military or your units will disband.Ġ1:54Eventually you’ll be able to form units into Corps and even Armies, which combine the strength of multiple units into a single unit while keeping its maintenance cost low.Enrollment in the CCC peaked in August 1935.

Civ 6 corps army